Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Onstage Seat Guidelines

1. Gather audience in one area
2. Collect cellphones. Explain that they interfere with the sound system
3. Ask guest to not sit on seats with an X mark as cast members sits there.
4. Ask guest not to touch any props beside them.
5. Give guest glow sticks and tell them to only break to use it at the end of the show during Xanadu. Cast members remind them when to use them.
6. Very important: Keep feet, rags etc. out of aisles. Cast members are skating around them and this could be dangerous.
7. Enjoy yourself and clap loud. Everyone is watching you!
8. No standing during the performance so use bathroom now.
9. Usher then to seats 15 minutes before show starts (at 7:50 pm)

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Schizoprano said...
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